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Detailseite Muschalik

Dr. Julia Muschalik
Gebäude: 23.21.
Etage/Raum: 02.109
+ 49211-81-12823
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Research interests

  • (Written) language production & perception
  • Relation between speech & spelling
  • Morphology
  • Phonetics
  • Speech acts
  • Empirical pragmatics
  • Impoliteness
  • Corpus-based discourse analysis

Short CV

since 09/2023 Postdoctoral researcher in English Language and Linguistics, HHU Düsseldorf
02/2021-12/2023 Principal investigator of DFG project MU 4366/1-1: "Spelling, pronunciation and morphological structure" (DFG grant "Eigene Stelle" as part of DFG Research Unit FOR2373 "Spoken Morphology: Phonetics and phonology of complex words")
04/2020-02/2021 Parental leave
10/2018-04/2020 Principal investigator of DFG project MU 4366/1-1: "Spelling, pronunciation and morphological structure" (DFG grant "Eigene Stelle" as part of DFG Research Unit FOR2373 "Spoken Morphology: Phonetics and phonology of complex words")
08/2017-09/2018 Parental leave
2016 PhD in English Linguistics, HHU Düsseldorf, Thesis title: Threatening in English: Form and Function, Predicate: summa cum laude
09/2012 Visiting researcher at Brooklyn Law School, NY (Academic Advisor: Prof. L. M. Solan), partially funded by the HHU Equal Opportunities Office
10/2010-08/2016 Research assistant in English Language and Linguistics, HHU Düsseldorf
2010-2016 PhD student in English Linguistics, HHU Düsseldorf
08/2008–02/2009 Undergraduate studies in English, University of Copenhagen
2004-2010 Undergraduate studies in German and English, Degree: Magistra Artium (MA-equivalent), Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf


  • Muschalik, Julia, Dominic Schmitz, Akhilesh Kakolu Ramarao & Dinah Baer-Henney. 2024. Typing /s/—morphology between the keys?. Reading and Writing. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11145-024-10586-9
  • Muschalik, Julia and Kunter, Gero. "Do letters matter? The influence of spelling on acoustic duration" Phonetica, vol. 81, no. 2, 2023, pp. 221-264. https://doi.org/10.1515/phon-2023-0012
  • Muschalik, Julia. in preparation. Do we hear what we type? Evidence from
  •  Muschalik, Julia. 2016. „Performance“ ohne Performative. Über Kraft und Wirkung krimineller Drohungen. In Lars Bülow, Jochen Bung, Rüdiger Harnisch & Rainer Wernsmann (eds.), Performativität in Sprache und Recht. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

Talks & Posters

September 2024 Muschalik, J. Typing morphology – A keyhole into processing? (Talk) 10th International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association (DGKL), Osnabrück
October 2023 Muschalik, J., D. Schmitz, A. Kakolu Ramarao & D. Baer-Henney. Acoustic duration and typing timing – same, same… but different? (Poster) P&P 2023, Bern/Schweiz
August 2023 Muschalik, J., D. Schmitz, A. Kakolu Ramarao & D. Baer-Henney. Typing /s/. Morphology between the keys? (Talk) 16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Düsseldorf
July 2023 Muschalik, J., D. Schmitz, A. Kakolu Ramarao & D. Baer-Henney. Typing /s/. Morphology between the keys? (Talk) Writing Words Workshop 2023, Potsdam
June 2023 Muschalik, J., D. Schmitz, A. Kakolu Ramarao & D. BaerHenney. Acoustic duration and typing timing – same, same… but different? (Poster) PaPE 2023, Nijmegen/NL
May 2022 Muschalik, J. Was macht Schreibung mit unserer Sprache? (Guest lecture in MA seminar “Neueste Literatur zur experimentellen Phonetik und Phonologie”) HHU Düsseldorf
February 2022 Muschalik, J., & G. Kunter. X marks the spot. The influence of spelling on segmental durations. (Virtual talk) Morphology in Perception and Production: Phonetics, phonology, and spelling of complex words (MPP 2022), Düsseldorf
October 2021 Muschalik, J. Balancing the risks and benefits of conflictive illocutions: The case of the strategic threatener. (Invited virtual talk) GSFL Lecture Series der Germanic Society of Forensic Linguistics
March 2021 Muschalik, J. Collecting data during a pandemic: Remote experiments and some ideas on how to move forward. (Virtual talk) FOR2373 International Workshop, Düsseldorf
March 2020 Muschalik, J. Spelling variation, pronunciation, and morphological structure. (Virtual talk) FOR2373 International Workshop, Düsseldorf
June 2016 Muschalik, J. Balancing the risks and benefits of conflictive illocutions: The case of the strategic threatener. (Talk) 5th Bonn Applied English Linguistics Conference (BAELc5), Bonn.
June 2014 Muschalik, J. When is a threat a threat? An attempt at some legal and linguistic answers. (Talk) 15th International Roundtable for the Semiotics of Law (IRSL) iCourts, Kopenhagen/DK
May 2014 Muschalik, J. Is that a threat? The Pragmatics of threatening and the interpretation of statements in court. (Talk) Beyond Words 2. New Developments in Pragmatics, Leipzig.
October 2013 Muschalik, J. „I have a gun.“ Die Performative Kraft indirekter Drohungen. (Talk) Performativität in Sprache und Recht, Passau.


Since 2010, I have taught a wide range of BA- and MA-level courses on both micro- and macro-linguistic topics, as well as methodological developments and issues.

I have successfully supervised a number of BA- and MA-theses.

I have also participated in two interdisciplinary and applied teaching projects with a focus on “English Language, Literature, and Culture in Professional Domains” (2013-2015) and a follow-up project called ”The Marketplace of Words: Linguistics, Literature, and – Your – Career“ (2015-2016), both funded by the HHU.

Winter 2024/25
Summer 2024